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New Chapter Photo!

Posted by Leading Edge Business Referrals on 6 February 2017
New Chapter Photo!

Here is a new BNI Leading Edge chapter photo highlighting some of our members as well as distinguished guests that were present at our meeting.

If your business depends on referrals for growth, then BNI Leading Edge is where you want to be! Our members help one another grow our respective businesses by exchanging referrals, so if you live by BNI's motto "Givers Gain" then join us for one of our weekly meetings and see for yourself how BNI can help grow your business.

Author:Leading Edge Business Referrals
About: We are a group of committed business people dedicated to helping one another grow our businesses through referrals since 1995. We are looking for like-minded business people to join us and exchange referrals with. Come and see if Leading Edge Business Referrals can help you grow YOUR business.
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Hats off to Brian Johnston for his dedication and endless patience in helping me with the BNI web site. Brian patiently led me through all the steps in helping me to maximize my use of the BNI web ...

Anna Brezden

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Leading Edge Business Referrals
40 Courtneypark Drive East
Ontario Canada L5T 2Y3