Notable Networker: Krishna Menon
Posted by Leading Edge Business Referrals
on 2 April 2020
Who is the referral king? Krishna Menon, mortgage agent with Dominion Lending Centres in Milton, that's who.
Krishna is the notable networker for March, having received the most thank you's for closed business from our chapter members. This means that not only does Krishna provide lots of referrals to his partners, but that these are high quality referrals that actually turn into real business!
Take some time to get to know Krishna and how he can help your business; it's well worth it!
Author:Leading Edge Business Referrals
About: We are a group of committed business people dedicated to helping one another grow our businesses through referrals since 1995.
We are looking for like-minded business people to join us and exchange referrals with.
Come and see if Leading Edge Business Referrals can help you grow YOUR business.
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