Notable Networker Award - July
Posted by Leading Edge Business Referrals
on 22 August 2018
The Notable Networker Award this month goes to Saverio Di Mondo, who provided his fellow networking partners with the highest number of referrals - not only referrals in Brampton and referrals in Mississauga which are a major part of our chapter's territory, but also referrals in Oakville and Toronto as well.
Saverio is seen here received the award from Vice-President Wendy Beatty.
Who will it be next month?
Author:Leading Edge Business Referrals
About: We are a group of committed business people dedicated to helping one another grow our businesses through referrals since 1995.
We are looking for like-minded business people to join us and exchange referrals with.
Come and see if Leading Edge Business Referrals can help you grow YOUR business.
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