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Welcome to the New Executive Leadership Team!

Posted by Leading Edge Business Referrals on 6 April 2018
Welcome to the New Executive Leadership Team!

April 1 is the start of the BNI year, which means a new Executive Leadership Team has taken over the duties of managing the chapter and charting a course for business growth. The emphasis will be on increasing the membership, and strenghtening the relationships between team members so that we can all benefit from referrals.

Left to right we have:

Wendy Beatty, Vice-President

Saverio Di Mondo, President

Patricia Ramoutar-Ramsawak, Secretary-Treasurer


The new Executive Leadership can count on all of our support in the coming year.

Author:Leading Edge Business Referrals
About: We are a group of committed business people dedicated to helping one another grow our businesses through referrals since 1995. We are looking for like-minded business people to join us and exchange referrals with. Come and see if Leading Edge Business Referrals can help you grow YOUR business.
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