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Are you Selling to Your Network? Well, Don't!
Dr. Ivan Misner, founder of BNI, says: "I've noticed that people in business networking groups have a tendency to "sell" to others in the group."
We've all been to those networking meetings where everyone is out to sell but nobody is listening or looking to truly understand each others' business and exchange meaningful information.
In his blog, Are you Selling to Your Network? Well, Don't!, Dr. Misner highlights the 3+1 process of networking to educate your network on the types of referrals you are looking for.
Intrigued? Read the blog at
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How much time should you spend networking?
How successful do you want to be?
Dr. Ivan Misner - BNI's founder - conducted a study whereby people who spent on avergae 6.5 hours of networking per week were more successful, and acquired half of their clients from their networking efforts.
A key component was to build the relationship with the other person first, then approach the business side of things. This is perfectly in line with BNI's approach of starting with building relationships between its members through one-on-one business-building interviews, and business flows once that connection has been established.
Read more about this and hear Dr. Misner at
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10 Questions to Ask When Meeting Someone for the First Time: Dr. Ivan Misner
When meeting someone for the first time, do you ever find yourself getting tongue-tied or feeling lost when it comes to knowing what questions you should ask to get a conversation going? Help is here!
Find out by reading Dr. Ivan Misner full blog at
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Why Face-to-Face Networking Still Matters in the Digital Age: Ivan Misner
"Nothing beats face to face. Nothing. It is still the most powerful and effective way to connect with someone." says Misner.
In Part 3 of our special four-part feature on Dr Ivan Misner, the founder of Business Network International (BNI) reveals how the Internet has impacted on his global networking organisation. It's not a matter of either face-to-face or online, it's "both/and", Misner insists.
IN AN ERA when so much communication is computer-mediated, one wonders whether Misner, 30 years on from establishing Business Network International (BNI), feels any particular challenge to his core principles. Naturally he has been challenged, but he calmly and firmly insists that nothing, not even the Internet, can supersede the power of face-to-face networking. In fact, he is completely unflappable in the face of questioning about the importance of face-to-face networking in the digital age.
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BNI Membership Tops 200,000 Worldwide
This past month, BNI's total global membership has passed the 200,000 mark. With chapters in 64 countries, members have passed millions of referrals - think of the networking opportunities! - and have exchanged over US$9 Billion in closed business between its members, making BNI the most successful bsuiness networking organization in the world.
See how BNI's founder, Dr. Ivan Misner, and his wife Beth celebrate the occasion.
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